Grayson Baker
Parents: Jeffrey and Paige
Birthdate: April 1
Where were you born: Atlanta, GA
Current grade: 7th
Current school: Chamblee Middle
Favorite hobby/activity: Baseball and Basketball
One or two things you love about our church: The community is what he loves best about Chamblee United Methodist Church
What would your dream be for our church: He would love for the church to grow.
What do you want to be when you grow up: Professional baseball player.

Hazel Blackstone
Mom: Summer Rowell
Birthdate: August 12
Where were you born: Atlanta, GA
Current grade: 7th
Current school: International Charter School of Atlanta
Favorite hobby/activity: My hobbies/favorite activities are art, drawing anime and manga, and basketball.
One or two things you love about our church: I love the people at our church and seeing my friends.
What would their dream be for our church: My dream for our church is that we do more things to help people.
What do you want to be when you grow up: I want to be an interior designer or a graphic designer when I grow up.

Henry Boswell
Parents: Michael and Tammy
Birthdate: July 7
Where were you born: Atlanta, GA
Current grade: 8th
Current school: Peachtree Middle
Favorite hobby/activity: Swimming; swims on JCC Silver competitive team
One or two things you love about our church: People and our youth group
What would their dream be for our church: More opportunities to serve (ie cooking to serve community)
What do you want to be when you grow up: Go to college to study psychology and continue to swim competitively

Esteban Luis Rodriguez
Parents: Alexis and Kathryn
Birthdate: August 28
Where were you born: Cumming, GA
Current grade: 6th
Current school: Lanier Middle School
Favorite hobby/activity: Singing, video games, soccer
One or two things you love about our church: the sense of community, the people are so welcoming and friendly. It feels like home and family.
What would their dream be for our church: there are so many great things about the church that I dream it will be more people coming and the word of God will be spread.
What do you want to be when you grow up: Environmental Scientist

Thomas Henry Sallach
Parents: Thomas and Mary
Birthdate: December 28
Where were you born: Atlanta, GA
Current grade: 6th
Current school: Chamblee Middle
Favorite hobby/activity: Building
One or two things you love about our church: Boy Scouts
What would their dream be for our church: A growing church with more friends his age; Wednesday night suppers with gluten-free options.
What do you want to be when you grow up: Construction Engineer

Jade and Ruby Sanchez
Parents: Robert and Margaret
Birthdate: January 25
Where were you born: New York
Current grade: 6th
Current school: Hull Middle School
Favorite hobby/activity: Helping kids and taekwondo
One or two things you love about our church: The people and how welcoming they are
What would your dream be for our church: Making sure everyone feels included (Ruby); To always be there for people who need help (Jade)
What do you want to be when you grow up: Teacher (Jade); Lawyer (Ruby)