You may have heard that there are United Methodist churches opting to leave the denomination. Roughly 70 churches in North Georgia did so at the 2022 Annual Conference, representing approximately 9% of our churches and 3% of our overall membership. There will certainly be more who choose to do so at the upcoming 2023 Annual Conference. The path for disaffiliation was created at the called 2019 General Conference, which was our last before the pandemic. The nature of the disaffiliations is related to potential changes in our polity as it relates to the status of LGBTQ+ persons in the church, specifically around marriage and ordination for ministry. There are no plans underway for Chamblee to disaffiliate from the denomination. If you would like to know more, I would be happy to meet with you and discuss. This could be one-on-one, in a Sunday school class, or with a group of interested persons. Please just contact me. If you would like some background information and further details, this page on our Conference website is a helpful resource:
Please keep our fellow United Methodist churches and our Bishop and conference leadership in your prayers as we all discern a faithful way forward together in Christ.