Financial Update: 2022 Year End

Thank you for your generosity in giving to fund the mission and ministry of Chamblee Methodist last year. A summary of 2022 year-end revenue & expenses is available here. Even though we budgeted a deficit of $250,000, your faithfulness and extra-mile giving enabled us to almost completely close that deficit gap and finish the year right at $70,000 short. We are awaiting receipt of Employee Retention Tax Credits in 2023 that will cover our 2022 year-end deficit. In the interim, we have utilized designated funds on deposit to offset the deficit, just until those funds can be replenished by the anticipated credits. This is not an ideal way to operate, but our finish shows great promise and faithfulness, and hope! If you have not offered a pledge to give for 2023, please do so on our Healthy Faith | Healthy Church page.