October 16, 2020October 17, 2020 benward This is an anonymous assessment to help you take a fresh look at your giving and how it fits in the overall church operations. Answers will not be saved with names, but we do ask that you either take this assessment or opt-out of the assessment. Please click one of the two below. Even if your answer is no, it is an important data point for us on the effectiveness of our communications.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Would you like to advance and take the “Find Your Fit” assessment? *a. Yesb. No1. Have you given monetary gifts to CFUMC during 2020? *a. Yesb. No2. Did you submit a pledge in 2019 for the 2020 year? Pronunciation (plej), noun – a solemn promise or undertaking (monetary contributions in this case) *a. Yesb. No3. If your answer to question 2 was no, can you tell us why you did not submit a pledge? *a. I am a new member and was not here for the 2020 pledge campaignb. I must have missed the campaign and simply did not get a pledge card submittedc. I could not make a commitment and have been giving as abled. I would prefer not to give an explanatione. N/A – My answer was yes4. Where do you expect your giving to land vs your 2020 pledge? *a. Belowb. Roughly right onc. Aboved. Did not pledge5. How would you classify your/your family’s annual income? *a. Fixedb. Less than $50,000c. $50,000-$100,000d. $100,000-$200,000e. $200,000+6. What is your current giving practice? (% are of income) *a. Ad-hoc & attendance basedb. Less than 5% c. Between 5% and 10%d. 10% tithe or beyonde. Currently not giving7. Which service do you primarily attend? *a. 9am Service Mostlyb. 11am Service Mostly8. What is your normal level of involvement? (check all that apply)a. Kindergarten Familyb. PMO Familyc. Sunday Schoold. Wednesday Night Suppere. Use Children’s Servicesf. Use Youth Servicesg. Fall Festivalh. Easter Egg Hunti. Breakfast with Santaj. Scoutsk. Disc Golf Coursel. Basketball Programm. Vacation Bible School9. Is there any anonymous feedback you would like to send the staff and church leadership? Does not have to be budget or giving related (free form area).Submit