I’m so grateful to be serving at Chamblee First UMC where there is a depth of leadership. There is a passage in Acts 6:1-7 where the early church had more tasks to be done than leaders to do them. The twelve disciples got together and found seven more people to lead and serve. Because of the depth of leadership that the early church cultivated, “The word of God continued to spread; the number of the disciples increased greatly in Jerusalem.” (Acts 6:7)
As we worshipped this past Sunday, I saw people step up to various tasks and glorify God. With our Senior Pastor serving in El Salvador, the Lay Leader stepped up and did a phenomenal job as liturgist. Our organist was out, but the music was fantastic. Our sound engineer was away, but the video & sound ran seamlessly.
I am so grateful for the talented people on staff at Chamblee First. They do an outstanding job week-in and week-out. It was such a blessing, though, to see the church rise to the occasion when they were called upon last week. There are always new tasks and opportunities for the people of God to rise up and respond to.
This Sunday we got a glimpse of “the number of disciples increasing.” We had a baptism. We welcomed a family into the membership of the church. The number of disciples is increasing. That probably means that new tasks will come before us. Will you rise to the occasion?
God Bless,
Rev. Jeff Rogers