Last week I went to a seminar given by a pastor about a book that he has just completed on fear. Among the questions addressed was, “Why a book about fear right now?” A graphic went up on the screen showing that in every age group polled, over 80% of people experience either moderate or regular fear in their life.
As I read through books of the Bible like Judges, I can’t say that I’m too surprised. If you’ve ever read through this book, then you may have been struck by the violence and sheer brokenness in the people. The book ends by saying, “In those days there was no king in Israel; all the people did what was right in their own eyes.” (Judges 21:25)
People continue to this day to stray from God’s will of loving Him and loving each other. I think this kind of brokenness leads to the fear that is so prominent in society.
Praise God that in spite of our brokenness, He is working in the hearts of individuals. There are stories of hope everyday. Even in the time when Israel had judges, we have stories of individuals like Ruth, whose story comes in the book immediately following Judges. This is a story of redemption and goodness during difficult times. Despite the fearful ending of Judges, Ruth has a hopeful tone at the end, “Blessed be the Lord, who has not left you this day without next-of-kin; and may his name be renowned in Israel.” (Ruth 4:14)
If you are like most people, then there is some sort of fear in your life. It’s not without reason. There is a lot of brokenness around us. I pray that you feel the Holy Spirit working in your life despite this fear; showing you the redemption and hope that God offers us through Jesus.
God Bless,
Rev. Jeff Rogers