By Whitney Johnson, 3.4.22
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I have heard it said that the two easiest habits to break are going to the gym and going to church. After living in the midst of a pandemic, that lands in a new way. Streaming worship from the comfort of home is much easier than getting dressed and out the door on a Sunday morning. And yet, there is power in practice of saying “yes!” to showing up each Sunday. It may seem simple, but I’ve realized that just one “yes” brings me a world of opportunity as I get to be with people I love in a place that holds great meaning for my faith.
This Christmas, it hit home in a new way as we heard the story of Mary and Joseph saying “yes” to God’s plan. When the angel came to each of them, they had no idea what the future would hold, but they trusted God and stepped out in faith. And that one yes shaped their lives forever and changed the world. Certainly saying “yes” held great risks for Mary and Joseph. And yet, they followed God into an unknown future.
This Lent, I want to practice saying “yes” to God, faith and church even when I don’t know where saying “yes” will take me. I want to intentionally say yes, even when it requires sacrifice, because it is that “yes” that will take us to the miracle of the resurrection.