By Margaret and Robert Sanchez, 3.14.22
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Jesus provides comfort in our lowest moments, and God knows how much we’ve needed that comfort over the last two years, but Jesus also challenges us to be uncomfortable. Micah 6:8 has always resonated with us. “He has told you, human one, what is good and what the LORD requires from you: to do justice, embrace faithful love, and walk humbly with your God.”
To connect to Chamblee First during the pandemic and participate in social justice learning in the wake of George Floyd’s death, we took part in the JustFaith Racial Justice programs. Every session was eye-opening in the most uncomfortable way possible. But it was a necessary discomfort that challenged us in ways we’re still exploring and awakened a desire to continue learning, to keep our eyes open to what’s happening around us, and to see how we can respond personally and as a community.
Someone very dear to us once said, “I like living in my little bubble.” Some events in our lives force us out of those bubbles, and we can be better off for it. Jesus calls us to step out of our bubbles and be uncomfortable, so we can truly see each other and work together to create the just Kingdom of God here in our time.