We are so excited to announce the Administrative Board has voted to return for worship in the Sanctuary. Safety will be paramount as we learn about best practices — what works and what does not — for us as we move forward (More details here).

Other ministries such as Sunday school, children’s programs, and nursery are expected to return soon. Many volunteers will be required in order to do this, so begin praying about where you can serve! It will not be possible to have worship in the building without more volunteers to help greet and seat people, stream online, prepare the space and offer children’s church.

You must RSVP below each week as there is limited capacity. We will have a waiting list once we are full. Let us know if you have any questions by emailing communications@chambleeumc.org.

Check out all the safety protocols (and a fun video:).

As always, online, in-person, or any other format, we treasure worshiping together!

RSVP for 9am Modern Service RSVP for 11am Traditional Service