Stewardship Campaign 2021
Begin here by taking the anonymous Find Your Fit Assessment
Dear Church Family,
As I sit to write this letter, I am reflecting on how much has changed over the last twelve months. 2020 has challenged nearly everything we value and even how we go about our daily lives. We’ve lost many loved ones, and grown closer to others as a result of how the world has changed. But the blessings in all of this are the things that remain constant; God, Faith, Family, and the Church.
I’m writing you because I am serving as the lead for our Stewardship campaign this year. What a year to do that! We do not know yet what 2021 will bring us from the sense of a new normal, but we do know the Church will be there and exists because of all the things included in our membership vows: our prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness.
In light of the fact that so much has changed, even with how we understand what it means to be the church together, I am inviting you to take a fresh look at your giving through a series of tools we’re calling, Find Your Fit. I hope it will give us all an opportunity to reflect deeply on how our individual giving fits into the overall church operations as we look to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of this ever-changing world. Below is a summary of the plan to help guide you through what will be available starting this week, both on-line and in print.
Thank you in advance and know you are in my prayers.
Chip Zint
Stewardship Campaign Oct 12th – October 30th
Week of October 12th – Launch of the campaign (i.e. this letter)
Sunday, October 18th – Launch of the Find My Fit anonymous assessment tool [Help you assess where your current and future giving fit with the ministry of Chamblee]
October 18th – In-person outdoor service of celebration
October 25th – In-person outdoor service of celebration
October 30th – Returned pledges deadline (on-line or printed)*
*Throughout the entire window you will have the ability to submit an online pledge through MyChamblee (Realm) or mail your printed pledge card to the church. If you prefer to hand-deliver your card, you can bring it to one of the outdoor worship service celebrations or put it in the outdoor mailbox located under the portico at the church office entrance. If you are unable to deliver your pledge card to the church, please call the church and we will arrange for someone to pick it up from you.