Travis Gillispie has earned his Eagle Scout Award! His project was to sort through some of Chamblee UMC’s historical records in order to scan/digitize those records. The specific records that he worked with were the Scout Hut, articles about Chamblee UMC and/or the Chamblee area, and baptism records.
This award is the culmination of many years of pushing, pulling, encouraging, and cheering that Travis (and his parents) have received from the many communities that Travis is a part of. Our church family has been so supportive of Travis and the whole family that we genuinely feel that you have all had a part in this achievement.
We would love to have you come out to celebrate this milestone with us! If you are only able to make it to part of the celebration, that’s ok – the Eagle Court of Honor should last about an hour and the reception will be the last hour.
The Eagle Court of Honor will start at 2pm in the Fellowship Hall with a reception immediately after.
Please RSVP to Sheila at sheilagillispie@bellsouth.net